What does a School Improvement Process look like?
The School & Community Improvement Process, From Individuals to Institutions

The improvement process goal is to identify problems (indicators), effective solutions (research or evidence-based), community resources (opportunities), and then develop a plan that targets these elements, AND develop the human and social capacity (capital) to successfully carry the plan forward. 
1) Gather data and other input.
2) Identify the school and community strengths, challenges, needs, opportunities, resources and the people or institutions that can make the solutions happen.
3) Research workable solutions (best practices, evidence-based successes).
4) Communicate, cooperate, and collaborate to produce a “working guide” for school and community improvement.

5) The Planners Implement the Plan.
6) Continue to re-evaluate and adjust the plan for a continuous school improvement process.

Guided by democratic principles, an improvement plan has a greater chance for success when the process includes an ongoing meaningful exchange of ideas which allows expression of differing views without penalty, and acknowledges that all community members have a right to have their views heard and considered.

Why do we so often fail? Lack of capacity is high on the list of reasons.

Leadership capacity means you possess the knowledge, understanding, and skills – plus the motivation or desire – to work towards the solutions to the problems you face.

In the broader sense of what is needed in school improvement processes, the communities need to develop and tap into the existing human capacities. “‘Human capacities’ include trust, respect, and a willingness to accept feedback and work toward improvement.”

What Needs to Happen?

“When a child walks into a classroom, it should be a place of high expectations and high performance.”    
                                                                  President Obama, State of the Union, 2011

Our lowest-preforming schools do need to be "turned around," and the process should be based on a Researched and Experienced Based Turnaround Process.

Use a guiding plan that defines high expectations for all the participants, including our expectations of our government's role in education.

Set Expectations for the System and Establish Performance Standards for the System, for Schools, and Standards of Practice for all Stakeholders along with Indicators to Monitor Progress.

A reasonable expectation is that all personnel are capable of doing their jobs when properly educated to do so.

Establish and Use Guiding Principles for teacher, principal, counselor preparation and continuing education in conjunction with Instructional Frameworks at the school level.

An Instructional Framework: 
    ►includes curriculum content, process, and assessments.
    ►provides a picture of what should be effective to reach the established goal.
    ►is used in decision making (when and how to step in and change).

Educate to Engage Parents and the Community with the purpose of building capacity for school and community improvement by broadening the knowledge, understanding, skills, and motivation of individuals to improve self and the greater community.

This is the way to help people help themselves.

Read more to find out how you can help.

Ask       Action      Progress      Succeed 

The path to our mutual well-being is built on educational opportunity.”
Linda Darling-Hammond

“To strengthen and improve educational quality and educational opportunities in the Nation’s elementary and secondary schools.” ESEA 1965  ( Summary of ESEA )

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